New Xbox 360 Slim
August 28th, 2014 admin Electronics,Games,Hardware 0
So the all new Xbox 360 came out on June 14th, 2010 during the E3 convention. So does this console require all that hype? According to fan boys all around, it does. It now has a 250GB hard drive which competes with Sony’s PS3 250 GB hard drive. The new slim is a lot smaller and lighter than the old one but that doesn’t mean it over heats as much. So what else does this new console feature? The console comes with a built in WiFi, unlike the previous versions. Unlike the older models, optical audio connector are also built-in, allowing for digital audio and wireless networking without the need for external adapter. The hardware on the new Xbox 360 is still the same, just a whole lot smaller. Another cool feature of the Xbox 360 is that the eject and power on button is now touch sensitive, isn’t that so cool!
So everyone fears this question, does the new slim Xbox 360 have the same red ring of death problem this time? Microsoft has completely removed the red ring of death, but they replaced it with the red circle which is on the AV power box. It works like the RROD but just without the rings. The new slim has bigger fans than the older ones, so less risk of getting a failure. Now you may be wondering if it still is worth getting. I will tell you in on a little secret, even though PS3 has far superior graphics on exclusive games, most multi-platform games, Xbox 360 has much better and sharper graphics. Well I hope this little blog about Xbox 360 helps you buy the console and Microsoft earning a little more cash even though I won’t be getting anything.